International Scholastic Journal of Science

Volume 16, Issue 1, January-December, 2022

From the Editor


Dear Readers,

After the disruption of covid over the past two years, we at ISJOS are finally getting back to a normal publishing schedule. We start off the 2022 issue with an in-depth study of mirages, and how they can be simulated in a tank with an ethanol-water interface. Mirages are a fascinating phenomenon, so we hope you find the paper useful and that it even may inspire you to try to simulate some mirage effects yourself!

We at ISJOS hope that the papers in our journal continue to inspire secondary students around the world to dream of publishing their own original research and making a contribution to our scientific understanding of a small corner of our world. We encourage students to submit their original, entry-level research to the ISJOS for review.

Jonathan Eales
Editor, ISJOS